Brand strategy workshops

Strategic workshops that give business owners that 'ah ha' moment. Designed to create a unified and clear vision of your businesses’ purpose, personality and positioning. Delivered in-house or remotely.

What is it?

The Brand Strategy Framework is a collaborative, one-on-one workshop and messaging framework document. It is designed to create a unified vision of the brand for business owners and delivers clarity on anchors including internal values, positioning, and your key differentiators.

The brand strategy framework is the foundation on which any future brand identity will be built.

Brand strategy workshop by The Identity Bureau

Who is it for?

For Start-ups or fledgling businesses looking to make the first investment into their brand, and create a specific impression about their business.

For existing businesses who are looking to rebrand in order to modernise, appeal to a specific audience or compete in their market.

What do you get?

Part One: The Workshop
A one-on-one workshop (2 to 3 hours) with information, questions and exercises designed to help you understand:

  • The fundamental differences between brand, branding and brand identity design
  • How brand strategy forms the foundation of brand identity design.
  • Your internal brand, and how this brings alignment and clarity surrounding your company values, mission and vision.
  • Why your business exists beyond just making money.
  • Who your audience is, what problems you solve for them, and why they should care.
  • Your unique positioning (where you sit among the competition, how you want your audience to feel about your firm, and the reasons why they should love your brand).
  • How to develop your brand character. How should your brand come across, how would it look and sound if it were a person, and what would their personality be like?

Part Two: Messaging Framework Document
The Brand Messaging Framework Document is the outcome of the workshop, and provides the key brand messages and statements needed to drive your brand forward: Provided as a digital PDF document, it includes:

  • Brand positioning statement
  • Tagline
  • ‍Brand mission statement
  • Brand vision statement
  • Audience persona
  • Competitor analysis
  • Brand personality traits
  • Brand tone of voice
  • Brand language/word lists
  • Key text to use online and in print

For definitions of the items listed above please see this blog article

Example of the Brand Strategy Framework document by The Identity Bureau

Time frames and investment

Timeframes: 2 to 4 weeks

Investment: Starting at £2,700

Payment options: 3 monthly payments from £900

All prices exclude VAT

The brand strategy workshop made me think about my brand in a different way. How was I going to present my business to the world, and what impression should it make on the people that see it?....

Looking to create a specific impression about your business? Book a free 20 minute Discovery Call with me...

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Download your free guide...

Planning your brand. How to strategically approach your brand and positioning.

Use this guide to ask yourself the right questions about your brand before you develop your brand identity.

How to strategically plan your brand before diving into the creative work
Why brands are experienced from the outside in

How to develop your positioning statement
How to develop your strapline
Understanding your audience

Get your Brand Strategy Guide...